In this tutorial I am going to give an introduction of how to program an AVR microcontroller input/output pins. AVR is a seris of microcontrollers manufactured by ATMEL corporation. Before learning how to program an AVR, the learner must know the organization of the controller. In this first part I am going to explain the port of the AVR mocrocontroller. We know , every microcontrollers have ports to communicate with outside word. A port may be used to provide a data to the outside devices or may be used to take data in to the controller.The first case we can say that the port if an OUTPUT port and later case it is an INPUT port. So in simple word a port can be OUTPUT or INPUT. If a port is output, the data can only be travel form the controller to the outside device. If a port is input, it can only take a data from outside device in to the controller. Every microcontrollers have to communicate with outside world. So in order to communicate, it need port. The following are the typical ports which are usually find in a microcontroller.
- The parallel Port
- The serial port
1)The parallel port
In the parallel communication, the data bits are transmitted at a time using number of lines corresponding to the data bits. That is if we are using 8bit data , we need 8 lines or 8 pins in order to transmit 8bits at a time.
AVR Parallel PORT
In AVR, there are parallel port for communication. A port can only be INPUT or OUTPUT at a time. The parallel port in avr is programmable. It means that the user can be configure the port as input or output. A port can be 8bit,16bit or 32bit according to the series of the controller. Here we are taking an 8bit port usually found in most AVR microcontrollers. The following points are to noted first
* A parallel port in AVR is a collection of two or more registers
* Each of these registers can be used to set the port behavior of the port
*The following are the registers associated with parallel port in AVR
So PORT, DDR and PIN are the registers helping the port pins to be configured. Normally the AVR series controllers have more than one ports. In that case each port is named with alphabets starting from A. That is the name of the port will be PORTA, PORTB, PORTC and so on. So the corresponding port registers also be named as PORTA, PORTB, PORTC. Also DDRA, DDRB, DDRC and PINA, PINB,PINC so on. Now on wards we use x instead of port name. x can be any alphabet name of port. PORTx,DDRx and PINx.
As already detailed above, the port pins of avr can be input or output at a time. So before doing any programming, let the controller know whether the corresponding PORT is inputting or outputting the data. In order to tell the microcontroller , we use DDR registers. Wich is Data Direction Register which sets the direction of the PORT pins.
example, we are considering PORTA of AVR microcontroller, as shown in the
figure 1, it has 8 pins on IC named PA0 to PA7. These 8 bits are used for 8bit
parallel communication. As mentioned earlier, each port in AVR is a combination
of three registers. For PORTA, it will be PORTA, DDRA and PINA registers. All
of these registers are 8 bit because the port bits are 8 bit in IC. At first stage we have to mention or program
wheather the port pins are inputting or outputting the data. For that we are
using DDRA register. If we load a one or set a bit in DDR register, the
corresponding port bit will act as OUTPUT port line. The DDRA register is shown in below figure, it has
8bits named PA0 through PA7. Each of the bit is associated with PA0 through PA7
physical port pins of PORTA. So writing a bit “1” in DDRA register makes the
corresponding PORTA bit in the physical output to be set as OUTPUT. And if we
write a “0” in DDRA register makes corresponding bits in port as input.

What is DDRx Register ?

Making all pins of PORTA as OUTPUT
making all PORTA pins as OUTPUT, only we have to do to set all bits in DDRA
register by writing the code as below.
DDRA=0xFF; //hex value
DDRA=0b’11111111; //binary
You can use this code in AVR GCC . First one is the hex
value which is indicated by 0x at the staring and second is the binary value
which is indicated 0b’ at stating. So the whole PORTA is OUTPUTTING the data.
Splitting PORTA into two halves and make one half INPUT and other as OUTPUT

For making half input and half output we use the following
DDRA=0xF0; //hex value
DDRA=0b’11110000; //binary
So after writing this, the lower half(4 bits) of the PORTA
is an INPUT port and upper half(4 bits) is an output is output port.
Making individual pins of PORTA as OUTPUT or INPUT

DDRA=0x56; //hex value
DDRA=0b’10011010; //binary
By writing this code you make PA6,PA5,PA2and PA0 as INPUT
port bits and all others are OUTPUT port bits. So you can also individually
program the pins of a port either INPUT or OUTPUT.
What is PORT register ?
The data written
in to the PORT register will be transmitted though the PORT pins to the outside
world. Considering the PORTA register, if we write a value to this register, it
will be available at physical PORTA pins of the IC only
if you made this port as output
in DDRA register. The code as follows
DDRA=0xFF; // making PORTA as OUTPUT
PORTA=0x05; // outputting hex data 05 through PORTA
What is PIN register?
PIN register is
also an 8 bit register, which stores the data incoming through the
corresponding PORT of AVR, only if the PORT is
configured as INPUT in DDR resister.
PORTA, if you want to read an incoming data from PORTA, the first we have to
declare a character or integer. The following is the code
DDRA=0x00; //making PORTA as INPUT
Unsigned char Value; // declaring a char to store the PIN register
Value = PINA; //the incoming data through PORTA is in
the PINA register is Transferred to Value
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